Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Bishops Lei

Teaching feather art has been an amazing journey. I meet people from all over the world, from every walk of life, from every color and color in between too. Feathers speak to people, art speaks to people, the pain staking detail of every feather and every stitch appeals to many.

I rarely meet someone who wants to glue feathers or design a project that  It twill take 15 minutes....

Many Haumana may be crafty, some are very artsy but the ones that will succeed are only the ones that can commit and complete.

There is satisfaction and pleasure in doing a task that few can, there is accomplishment in completing a task that few can.It takes a person who can dream in colors and textures yet walk the complete path.

The idea of commitment scare some. "What if I never finish? What if I get bored? What if's are many" As a Professional teacher my 'What if's" are. What if you never start? What if you never finish? What if you get bored?  Basically, we all think 'what if'', would not it be more productive to think   "What if I actually made it" " What if I can make time for myself to commit to a project?"

If you cant commit 40 -50 hours to a project, "What if we choose a smaller project?" "What if we break it up into 4 sittings at 3 hours each? "What if we enlist family members to help cut feathers?"

I will tell you a story.

The Bishop was going to receive a 6 foot long feather lei designed and financed by a current feather lei student named Kit (pictured). There was absolutely no way that he could do this by himself in 3 months time. We asked the members of the Church to help on this 'Community Project' to gift their Bishop.  Over the next few weeks many people from Congregation came in to work on the lei and prepping the feathers.

One day this woman came in and said "I am here to work on the lei and want the other members to know I was here to work on the lei, but I am not able to do that kind of tedious work. I would like you to please excuse me from this task." (gasp! everyone in the room was speechless,) Here was my response, "I can't lie for you.... to your congregation and your Bishop, so - lets try to work on the lei together and if you are not able to - then, yes I will say you came in and tried." 4 Hours later she was still going, she did a huge part of the lei, she enjoyed the company of the other lei Artists, and got to meet new friends and old friends as she came for 5 days in a row. She proudly told everyone she participated 100%, how difficult it was for her, how she had to carve out precious time, how far she had to drive........

They finished half of the 6 foot the lei - the remaining 3 feet was done by a Professional Feather Artist  who is so humble and not of that Congregation, she does not want anyone to know she did the entire other half by herself in a weekend. Actually, I don't think anyone other than myself and KM know the whole story.

Please visit the shop when you are in Maui to see meet of the talented Artists of Hawaii making a difference not only here but in the World.  malama pono